
Multiswitch Inverto DCSS/SCR  4 ingressi Sat +Terrestre, 4 uscite sat + terrestre passanti, 4 uscite mix DCSS/SCR/LEGACY + terrestre. Modalità selezionabile QUATTRO / WIDE BAND e 32 USER BAND programmabili tramite programmatore non incluso



Technical specifications
Frequency range: satellite Quattro LNB: 950 MHz ~ 2150 MHz (Standard)
Wideband LNB: 300 MHz ~ 2350 MHz
Frequency range: terrestrial 47 MHz ~ 862 MHz
Inputs 4x IF inputs:
– From 1x Quattro LNB (default)
– From 2x Wideband LNBs
1 x UHF/VHF input from Terrestrial antenna
Outputs 4x Loopthrough satellite IF outputs*
1x Loopthrough terrestrial output

4x auto-detect Unicable II / Legacy output ports
with combined terrestrial signal.
Default behavior: Legacy mode on power up,
auto-switch to Unicable II™ dynamic mode upon
receiving an EN50494/EN50607 command.

Input power range -50 dBm ~ -5 dBm
Output signal level (AGC) -25 dBm (83 dBuV)
RF isolation: satellite/terretsrial (input) 25 dB min.
RF isolation: satellite/satellite (input) 25 dB min.
RF isolation: satellite ch/ch (UBs, output) 28 dB min.
Loop-through loss: satellite 4 dB max. (loss)
Loop-through loss: terrestrial 8 dB max. (loss) [amplification=OFF]
+12 dB min. (gain) [amplification=ON]
Gain: Unicable II™ (dCSS) output (out of AGC) 25 dB min.
Gain: terrestrial signal -27 dB [amplification = OFF]
-5 dB ~ +5 dB [amplification = ON]
Integrated phase noise 1.5° max.
Control protocols EN50494 (SatCR), EN50607 (dCSS), DiSEqC1.0/2.0, 13 V/18 V + 0 kHz/22 kHz
Legacy port switching V/L => 13 V/0 kHz , V/H => 13 V/22 kHz
H/L => 18 V/0 kHz , H/H => 18 V/22 kHz
Input/Output impedance 75 Ω (F-type)
LNB power supply 500 mA max. @ 18 VDC
Power consumption 600 mA ~ 900 mA @ 10 VDC ~ 20 VDC max.
Working temperature -20 °C ~ +50 °C
IP protection IP54
Product dimensions (W x D x H) 15.2 cm x 11 cm x 2.6 cm
Weight 280 g